Engagement Photos while Canoeing Down the Mississippi at Boom Island Park

I believe she (the canoe) is named “The Alabama Getaway.”

Meet Claire and Adam! Adam is an avid canoer… man who canoescanoe specialist… and wanted to incorporate that into their engagement photos (and future wedding photos!) We set sail (can you sail in a canoe?) at Boom Island Park in Minneapolis, MN and… ultimately did not go very far. It’s all about the journey, not the destination, right?! Our destination was to capture good photos of Claire and Adam doing what they love: being outside, gently rocking on a river inside their chosen mode of transportation: their trusty canoe.

Claire and Adam got a good workout in paddling back and forth in their canoe for me, under the bridge, twirling back around, etc. We made it work! However, I also got a workout in. At one point I went into the canoe with Claire and Adam (third wheel rower), stood up from a squat position and took photos looking down on Claire and Adam. It’s all for the horizon lines ya know?

If you are thinking of doing a photoshoot in a canoe, do it! Especially if it is meaningful and something you and your boo love to do together. Although it isn’t for everyone - my husband and I would be greatly out of sync, fighting over who is leading, not paddling at the same rate (you get the picture) - it really worked for this couple. They clearly love to canoe, even in the frigid November Minnesota temps. We chose Boom Island Park because it is a place within the Twin Cities that is centrally located, and easy to access. Congrats Claire and Adam! May you never drift apart… see what I did there? :) Can’t wait to photograph your wedding this fall!

engaged couple snuggling in a canoe
man in a canoe on the Mississippi River
engagement ring sitting in a canoe with paddle
engaged couple paddling down the Mississippi River
engaged couple blowing kisses in a canoe
engaged couple cuddling in a canoe
engaged couple canoeing down the Mississippi River
Candid + Warm Minneapolis Wedding Photographer

Hi! My name is Bridget and I have been a wedding photographer in the Minneapolis area for over a decade. I aim to capture the full range of emotions of a wedding day in a candid and artistic way. I love seeing all the warm feelings when I look through wedding galleries and hope to share that with you when you look back on your wedding day!


A Black + White Wedding at the Beach Club Minneapolis


Picnic Engagement Photos at Rice Creek Park, Shoreview