Candid + Warm Wedding Photography

Time is fleeting. Let me freeze those storybook moments for you.


Hi! I'm Bridget.


I was born and raised in northern Minnesota, near Canada, home of flat prairie farmland which is generally covered in snow. I am creative and introverted, and I am happiest when I’m drawing attention to life’s everyday beauty. I have been married to my husband, Luke, for 11 years! We have two large dogs and one small baby in our 1950’s suburban Twin Cities home, and it couldn't be more cozy. 

I've never been very talkative. I have one home video of my first few years of life and say only one sentence. Photography gives me the voice I didn't know I had, and a glimpse into how I see the world. It helps me express how I feel and what I see in the most dynamic way possible. If you connect with my work, I would love to hear from you!

Photo of me and Luke by Lauren Scotti in Joshua Tree, CA 2021

Photo of me and Luke by Lauren Scotti in Joshua Tree, CA 2021



All the heart eyes: 

YOU ARE SO TALENTED! What a special memory. If we could book out a yearly photo session with you from now to the end of time that would be great.
— Rand & Jess

follow me on instagram for more @BRidgetcouwenhoven